jueves, 2 de febrero de 2012

Programación Cádiz

Preliminary Programme for the Water Project in Huddinge 6th-10th Feb.2012

Monday 23/4/2012.
Guests arrive, .Buffet and mingle at College
Afternoon: Paseo por Cadiz antiguo hasta La Caleta.

Tuesday 24/4/2012
 Breakfast at College 9.00-12.00Projectmeeting starts in room . Students present results of their own projectwork, discussion groups. 12.00-15.00
Guided tour of Cádiz.:Monumento de Las Cortes de Cádiz, Museo de Las Cortes de Cádiz y Visita al Oratorio de San Felipe Neri. 15.00-16.00. Lunch at College. 19.00-20.00. Visit Cathedral.   Late afternoon/Early evening : Students’ activities : Skating ,Cinema?
Wednesday 25/4/2012
8.00 - 9.00Breakfast at Colleget 9.00 -11.30. Students present results of their own projectwork, discussion groups.
11.30 Study visit at Museo del Instituto Hidrográfico . 14.00.Lunch in beach. Free time in the beach.

Thursday 8.00 – 9.00Breakfast at College Studyvisits at lessons at Cádiz for guests, Real Escuela de Arte Equestre de Jerez. 14.00-15.00Lunch at Colleget 15.00-17.00Planning of future project activities in room 17.00-21.00Free time for guests 21.00Buffet dinner at ...  

27/4/12. All guests depart.

Hidraulic Circuits


The cicle of water

Water follows a closed cicle in which it changes of state and place constantly.
The quantity of water is always the same.

Egyptians achieved the exploitation controlling the swollens and descents of the waters of the Nile river, which it experimetnts along the year.
